Eric Jaeschke

Eric Jaeschke

Senior Forester / GIS Specialist

Eric Jaeschke Senior Forester and GIS Specialist

Eric Jaeschke serves as Senior Forester and GIS Specialist for Aster Global Environmental Solutions. He is a Lead Verifier and audit team member providing technical review support for forest carbon offset projects under a variety of rule sets including Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and CA Air Resources Board (ARB). He handles project management for VCS and ARB project audits, forest project methodological review and serves as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist for the Company.

As a Lead Verifier Mr. Jaeschke supervises implementation of project audits including; site visits, issuance of formal corrective action requests, report submission, and steps leading to successful audit completion. GIS Specialist responsibilities include image processing and interpretation, photogrammetry, digital cartography, geospatial data quality control, feature analysis checks, and analytics.
He has 8 years of experience in the field of forestry, GIS, remote sensing, and related matters. Mr. Jaeschke’s specialties include forest inventory planning, forest management planning, land cover mapping, GIS analysis, and statistical data analysis of natural resources.


Mr. Jaeschke began his professional career working for the USDA Forest Service on projects ranging from regional timber management to bark beetle impact studies. Land cover mapping and field validation have been an integral part of his work in a variety of settings. He has also spent time on forest hydrology topics, including MSc research on the active contributing area and hydrologic behavior of a managed forest wetland in North Carolina. Mr. Jaeschke has been auditing forest carbon offset projects since Fall 2013.


Mr. Jaeschke is a California Air Resources Board Lead Verifier, a professional member and Certified Forester with the Society of American Foresters (SAF), a California Registered Professional Forester, and a West Virginia Registered Forester.

Eric's Resume

Education Level:

Master of Science - Forestry
North Carolina State University

Master of Science - Forestry
University of Helsinki, Finland

Bachelor of Science - Forest Resource Management
West Virginia University

Years of Experience:


Professional Affiliations:

  • Society of American Foresters


  • Society of American Foresters
    • Certified Forester No. 160482
  • California Registered Professional Forester No. 3027
  • Mississippi Registered Forester No. 02661
  • West Virginia Registered Forester No. 781
  • California Air Resources Board Lead Verifier H2-18-221
    • U.S. Forest Project Specialist

GHG Validation and Verification Experience

Aster Global staff have been conducting third-party validations and verification since 2007 and has been accredited by ANSI under the ISO 14065:2007 since March 2010.  Due to strict confidentiality requirements associated with many of our current and past projects we are unable to discuss full details of projects; however, the following is a list by program of the past and current project validation/verification experiences of Mr. Jaeschke.

Specific Project Experience

American Carbon Registry ( ACR )
TraineeNitrous Oxide Reduction in Corn - ACR Validation/Verification-IFM
TraineeGreen Trees ACRE (Advanced Carbon Restored Ecosystem) - 2012.2 and 2012.3 Annual Verification - ACR-AR
TraineeGreen Trees ACRE (Advanced Carbon Restored Ecosystem) - 2013 Annual Verification - ACR-AR and 2015.1 Initial
Team MemberGreen Trees ACRE (Advanced Carbon Restored Ecosystem) - 2015.2 Initial and Annual Verification (2014-2015 Vintages)
Team MemberTierra Resources ? ACR Pre-Validation (Luling Oxidation Pond Wetland Assimilation Carbon Project)
Team MemberLuling Oxidation Pond Wetlands Assimilation System
Team MemberBlandin Native American Hardwoods Conservation & Carbon Sequestration Project
Team MemberEmission Reductions in California Rice Management
Team MemberBear Creek Watershed Forest Carbon Project
Team MemberWabassus IFM Project - ACR Validation/Verification
Team MemberCIG Pilot Project 1 - Nitrogen Management Credit Program (NMCP) Project
Team MemberCIG Pilot Project 1 - Nitrogen Management Credit Program (NMCP) Project
Team MemberRestoration of Pocosin Wetlands in the South Atlantic Coastal Plain
Team MemberRestoration of Pocosin Wetlands in the South Atlantic Coastal Plain
Team MemberTNC-Chestnut Mountain Improved Forest Management Project
Team MemberTNC - Chestnut Mountain Improved Forest Management Project
Team MemberLower Green Swamp Preserve Improved Forest Management Project
Team MemberLower Green Swamp Preserve Improved Forest Management Project
California Air Resources Board (ARB)
Team MemberGualala River - ARB Desktop Review 2013 - IFM
Team MemberGualala River - ARB Desktop Review 2014 - IFM
Team MemberBig River/Salmon Creek - CAR 408 - Verification - annual - IFM
Team MemberGarcia River Forest - ARB EA (1/1/2013-12/31/2013) - IFM
Team MemberGarcia River Forest - ARB EA (1/1/2008-12/31/2009) - IFM
Team MemberBishop Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Full Verification - IFM
Team MemberBlue Source - Alligator River Avoided Conversion, ARB Early Action - AC
TraineeGreen Assets-Brookgreen Gardens Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Full Verification - IFM
Team MemberFinite Carbon - The Forestland Group CT Lakes - ARB Full Verification - IFM
TraineeYurok Tribe Sustainable Forest Project - 2011 Vintages - ARB EA Review
Team MemberYurok Tribe Sustainable Forest Project - 2012 and 2013 Vintages - ARB EA Review
Team MemberYurok Tribe Sustainable Forest Project - 2011 Vintages - ARB EA Review
Team MemberThe Van Eck Forest - ARB Early Action - IFM
TraineeMcCloud River - ARB EA Review - IFM
Team MemberMcCloud River - ARB EA Review - IFM
TraineeVirginia Highlands I - ARB Full Verification - IFM
Team MemberGoodman Forest LLC Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Full Verification - IFM
Team MemberWillits Woods - ARB EA Review for 2013 - IFM
Team MemberWillits Woods - ARB EA Review for 2014 - IFM
TraineeBalsam Mountain Project - ARB Verification - IFM (project cancelled by client after first site visit)
TraineeFarmCove Community Forest - ARB Full Verification - IFM (NOTE: This project was cancelled prior to completion)
Team MemberGlasscock Island
Trainee/Team MemberFinite Carbon - Lyme GLS - ARB Full Verification - IFM (NOTE: This project was cancelled prior to completion)
Trainee/Team MemberFinite Carbon - Lyme GLS - ARB Full Verification - IFM (NOTE: This project was cancelled prior to completion)
Team MemberBuckeye Forest Project - ARB Full Verification - IFM
Team MemberBuckeye Forest Project - ARB Verification - IFM
Team MemberBuckeye Forest Project - IFM Less-Intensive
Team MemberRips Redwoods - ARB Early Action Review 2013 - IFM
Team MemberRips Redwoods - ARB Early Action Review 2014 - IFM
Team MemberAshford III - ARB Verification - IFM
Team MemberHuron Mountain Club Forest Carbon Project
Team MemberHowland Research Forest
Team MemberAlder Stream Preserve
Team MemberBlue Source - Bishop Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Annual- IFM
Team MemberBlue Source - Hawthorne Ten Mile Watershed IFM Project - ARB Full Verification
Team MemberWyoming Improved Forest Management Project-ARB full verification
Team MemberUsal Redwood Forest
Team MemberWhite Mountain Apache Tribe - ARB Verification - IFM
Team MemberBig River/Salmon Creek Forests (ARB ID# CAFR5106; OPR ID# CAR1100)
Team MemberGarcia River Forest - ARB Verification
Team memberGarcia River Forest Project - ARB Annual Verification
Team MemberGarcia Forest Project- ARB Annual Verification
Team memberGuala River Forest - ARB Verification (CAR1099, CAFR5137)
Team memberGualala River Forest Project - ARB Verification -RP2
Team MemberGualala Forest Project - ARB Annual Verifiation
Team MemberGualala River Forest-ARB
Team MemberGreen Assets - Lukens Avoided Conversion Projects - AC
Team MemberGreen Assets -Lukens Avoided Conversion Project - Annual review
Team MemberGreen Assets - Milbury Avoided Conversion - ARB Verification
Team memberGreen Assets - Milbury Avoided Conversion Project - ARB Verification (RP3)
Team MemberNew Forests? Forest Carbon Partners ? Berea College Improved Forest Management Project (ARB ID# CAFR5192; OPR ID# CAR1173)
Team MemberFinite Carbon - Lyme Grand Lake Stream IFM
Lead VerifierFinite Carbon - West Grand Lake IFM
Team MemberCamp Shelby Forest Carbon Project
Lead VerifierCamp Shelby Forest Carbon Project
Team MemberGarcia River Forest - CAR Re-Verification for ARB Early Action
Team MemberBlue Source Wisconsin Northern Highland IFM Project - ARB Verification
Team MemberBlue Source-Marmet Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Verification
Team MemberNorthwoods IFM Project - ARB Verfication
Team MemberBlue Source Wolf River Improved Forest Management Project - ARB Verification
Team memberWestern Rivers Forestry - Blue Creek Project - ARB Verification (RP2) - IFM
Lead VerifierBlue Creek - ARB Annual Verification
Lead VerifierBlue Creek
Team memberLogan IFM Project - ARB Verification (CAR1205, CAFR5305)
Team MemberGreen Assests - Middleton Avoided Conversion
Team MemberAppalachia Carbon Project / ARB Compliance Offset Protocol (U.S. Forest Projects) IFM Verification
Lead VerifierPhase 1 Sustainable Forest Project
Lead VerifierYurok Tribe Sustainable Forest Project (CAR1070/CAFR5090)
Lead VerifierGreen Assets - Brookgreen Gardens Improved Forest Management
Team MemberThe vanEck Forest - Reserve Verification/ ARB EA - IFM
British Columbia (BC)
Team MemberQuadra Island Forestland Conservation - BC Conservation/Avoided Deforestation and Improved Forest Management Project Validation
Senior Internal ReviewerCheakamus Community Forest Carbon Project
Climate Action Reserve (Reserve)
TraineeCaulk Island Land and Timber Company, LP - CAR Verification - IFM
Team MemberMontgomery Island Timber Company, Inc. - CAR Verification - IFM (note: 7/23/14-email from client project is dead)
Team MemberVirginia Conservation Forestry Program: Tazewell-Elk Garden - CAR Annual Verification- IFM
TraineeVirginia Conservation Forestry Program - Clifton Farms - CAR Annual Verification (2012 and 2013) - IFM
Team MemberVirginia Conservation Forestry Program - Clifton Farms - CAR Annual Verification - IFM
Team MemberVirginia Conservation Forestry Program - Rich Mountain - CAR Annual Verifications - IFM
Team MemberGarcia River Forest - Reserve Verification -annual- IFM
Team MemberBig River/Salmon Creek Forests - Reserve Verification - annual - IFM
Team memberBlue Source - Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project (CAR497)
Team memberBlue Source - Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project (CAR497) - annual
Team MemberBlue Source - Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project
Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standard
TraineeOntario Biodiversity Afforestation Project - ISO Validation and Verification/CCB Pre-Validation - OBAP-AR
TraineeRimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project - CCB Verification - REDD
Team MemberKariba REDD+ Project - CCB Verification - REDD+
Team MemberThe International Small Group & Tree Planting Program (TIST) in Kenya, CCB-003 - CCB Verification - ARR
Team MemberThe International Small Group & Tree Planting Program (TIST) in Uganda, CCB-001 - CCB Verification - ARR
Team MemberClimate, Community, and Biodiversity Project Verification Report
Team MemberThe Conservation Fund - Restoring a Legacy at Red Rive National Wildlife Refuge
Team MemberClimate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance Restoring a Legacy at Marias des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge
Team MemberThe Nature Conservancy of Canada - Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project
TraineeAlgoma Highlands Conservancy IFM Project - ISO14064-2 Validation/Verification
Natural Forest Standard (NFS)
Team MemberTrocano Araretama Conservation Project - Natural Forest Standard Annual Verification - AD
Plan Vivo
Team MemberAfforestation and Reforestation (A/R) project: Trees for Global Benefits, Uganda
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
Team MemberProtocol for the Creation of Forest Carbon Offsets in British Columbia (FCOP) - VCS Methodology Validation
Team MemberLower Mississippi Valley Grouped Afforestation Project
TraineeRIL-C IFM Methodology (Reduced Impact Logging Practices to Reduce Carbon Emissions) and RIL-C East Kalimantan Performance Method Module - VCS 1st Methodology Validation
Team memberYacumama Forest Carbon Project - VCS Validation/Verification
TraineeRimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project - VCS Verification - REDD
TraineeBethlehem Authority Improved Forest Management Project - VCS Verification - IFM
Team MemberBethlehem Authority Improved Forest Management Project - VCS Verification - IFM
Team MemberBethlehem Authority Improved Forest Management Project - VCS Annual Verification - IFM
Lead VerifierBethlehem Authority Improved Forest Management Project - VCS Annual Verification - IFM
Lead VerifierBethlehem Authority IFM Project - 6th Verification
Lead VerifierBethlehem Authority Improved Forest Management Project
Team MemberMethodology for Avoided Ecosystem Conversion VM0009, v3.0 (revision) - VCS Methodology 1st Validation
TraineeAbote Project - VCS Pre-Validation-ARR
Team MemberNorthern Kenya Grassland Carbon Project
Team MemberRevision of Methodology VM0010-Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, V1.7 - First Assessment
Team MemberLock Haven Improved Forest Management Project
Lead VerifierLock Haven IFP Management Project - 3rd Verification
Lead VerifierLock Haven Improved Forest Management
Team MemberRevision and Extension to VM007: REDD+ Methodology Framework
Team MemberKatingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation - VCS Verification
Team Member/Forest BiometricianCanadian Forest Carbon Offset Methodology Assessment Report
Lead VerifierAfognak Forest Carbon Project
Lead VerifierAfognak Forest Carbon Project - VCS Verification (3rd & 4th monitoring periods)
Team MemberRIL - C Module - Yucatan Peninsula - VCS Module Assessment
Team MemberKing County Forest Carbon Project
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standard
Team MemberReforestation with Rubber on Degraded Lands of Colombia
TraineePurus Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification - REDD
Team MemberPurus Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification (2nd monitoring) - REDD
Team MemberPurus Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification (3rd monitoring) - REDD
Team MemberPurus Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification (4th monitoring) - REDD
Team MemberThe Purus Project- VCS/CCB Verification
TraineeRussas Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Validation - REDD
Team MemberRussas Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification - 1st monitoring - REDD
Team MemberThe Russas Project - VCS/CCB Verification
Team MemberValparaiso Project - A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Verification - REDD
Team MemberThe Valparaiso Project - VCS/CCB Verification
Team Member/TraineeLaguna Seca Forest Carbon Project
Team MemberThe Envira Amazonia Project ? A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Validation - REDD
Team MemberThe Envira Amazonia Project ? A Tropical Forest Conservation Project in Acre, Brazil - VCS/CCB Validation - REDD
Team MemberAlto Mayo Conservation Initiative - VCS/CCB Verification
Team MemberRimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project Verification Report
Lead VerifierKatingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation - VCS (3rd)/CCB (2nd) Verification
Lead VerifierKatingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project
Lead VerifierKatingan Peatlan Restoration and Conservation
Team memberRimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve project - VCS/CCB Verification
Team MemberReduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary - VCS/CCB Verification
Team MemberKariba REDD+ Project
Team MemberSumatra Merang Peatland Project
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