Ashley Laux

Ashley Laux

Project Forester / Audit Team Member

Ashley Laux Project Forester / Audit Team Member Ashley Laux is a project forester and audit team member with Aster Global.

In these roles, Ms. Laux assists with and conducts desktop and field validation and verification of Agriculture, Forestry, and other Land Use (AFOLU) carbon offset projects including community, biodiversity, and sustainable development standards. Her work currently includes a focus on Improved Forest Management (IFM) and Community and Biodiversity aspects for projects around the world.

As a project forester, Ms. Laux works to facilitate onsite validation and verification projects using best practice methods for conducting field audits.

Prior to joining Aster Global, Ms. Laux held several positions directly related to the development and management of forestry projects. Her experience includes management of tree planting projects including site selection, tree species selection, tree bids and orders, tree delivery and placement, partner communication, securing permits, generation of maps, and tree benefit analysis.

Ms. Laux has been working on Improved Forest Management, Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), and Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (ARR) projects around the world including Community and Biodiversity aspects and sustainable development goals. She has served as an audit team member for Verra (VCS/CCB), American Carbon Registry, and California Air Resourced Board. Most recently, Ms. Laux has served as an audit team member for Climate Action Reserve (CAR) soil enrichment projects and on other AFOLU projects related to Blue Carbon and non-AFOLU projects related to livestock and methane reduction due to feedstock additives.  

Ashley's Resume

Education Level:

Master of Forestry
Michigan Technological University

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
Michigan Technological University

Years of Experience:


Professional Affiliations:

  • Society of American Foresters
  • International Society of Arboriculture


  • Society of American Foresters
    • Candidate Certified Forester
  • Wildland Firefighting Certification(s)
    • S-130
    • S-190
    • L-180
    • FEMA ICS-100
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